• Built a mock learning management application for instructors to grade students.
• Implemented peer evaluation systems.
• Designed database model to hold class information for students and instructors.
• Implemented authentication system for instructors and students to login securely.
Full Stack Learning Management System
• Designed a UI for the Game of Set using vanilla JS, HTML, CSS.
• Included user input validation and game checks (like hints, etc.).
• My first introduction to web development!
Game of Set
• Built an algorithm visualizer on a backtracking solution based on the Famous 9 Queens Problem.
• Used React for a clean UI.
React Chess Algorithm Visualizer
• Simulated processes needing resources and submitting resource requests to complete and an Operating System/System manager managing resources.
• Implemented Deadlock Avoidance algorithms to ensure resource system is kept in safe state when resources are allocated.
• Implemented a message-passing system between threads to make resource requests while protecting critical sections.
Deadlock Avoidance Simulator
• Created a simulation of a species of bugs evolving behaviors through a genetic algorithm.
• Designed bugs with independent neural network brains from scratch to independently make decisions based on sensory inputs.
• Demonstrated successful evolution of AI behavior through natural selection and asexual reproduction with genetic mutation.
Neural Network Bugs Genetic Simulation
• Building a Ecommerce website for my artist friend using the MERN stack! (current project)
Full Stack Ecommerce Application